
Friday, March 11, 2011

Missouri Puppy Mill Madness: The Fast Track to Communist Veganism.

On the Republicans and one Democrat voting to REPEAL Prop B:
This makes a strong case for voting. To all those people who think it does not make a difference. There was one democrat and the rest are republicans that want to repeal this. Just one of the many things in the news these recent days to say that there are a few people running the whole country. It is the "rural areas" of the state. They are worried their food animals, which ARE NOT considered animals by law but LIVESTOCK, will somehow be affected. If cows, pigs, or chickens were even considered "animals", then they could never treat them the way they do. No worries to our Republican friends in Rural Missouri, your livestock will not be affected. It will be just as easy for you to raise cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and kill our climate AFTER PROP B as before PROP B. We are not taking away your rights to use all of the water resources, to factory farm animals, to pollute the environment, to have buildings that you cannot by law, photograph from the outside. Oh no, you will have all of those protections still in place. We are not outlawing eating burgers, weighing 400 pounds, or using our tax dollars for your health problems caused by your "LIVESTOCK". Prop B is for DOGS only.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart

This is just ONE reason that I LOVE Missouri. Comedy writers don't even have to work. They just have to come and visit and ask some questions to confirm that Prop B is is Communist Propaganda. I mean, if we give food and water to dogs, then the entire state will be Communist Vegans overnight and the Hospitals will go out of business. We simply cannot have this and must support our leaders to overturn this completely ridiculous proposition. We simply cannot support giving dogs adequate food and water. This is a fast track to "Veganism" and WTF will Missouri do if Diabetes, Cancer, and Heart Disease declined?? Would the lack of revenue from these sources lead to an inevitable increase in cigarette, gun, or liquor taxes?

Mountain Rose Herbs

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