
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Toxic Cock Syndrome. It's not just in the Apple Juice. 92% are Poopy Cocks. Scat Chat..

 Think Apple Juice is Poison??  Ha!!
 Turns out that nothing is quite as Toxic as Good ol' Cock.

Dr. Oz, Dr. Oz....Sigh.....I already rolled my eyes when your entire show was about apple juice made with non-organic apples from China instead of talking about Milk made right here in the good ol' US of A.  But if you are going for the arsenic angle.....think you might have missed the boat a little.  Maybe we should talk about......

Toxic Cocks.  Well, we already know from Dr. Greger & my last post "Weiner Woes. Smaller Shorter Schlongs may be caused by Eating Cocks".  But aside from shortening your stick, could the cock you eat be toxic as well?  Yep, turns out Oz should have had an entire show talking about poultry consumption.  But we can't blame this one on China.  Apples, yeah, brush off and act like the Chinese people are so much crazier then we are with their pesticide use.  But what about Chickens raised in the United States, our "First World" Wonder?  Our much coveted "chicken breast"?  Arsenic.  It's not just for rat poison anymore.  Nope, turns out that while apple juice with apples grown in China may contain up to 36 ppb, Chicken may have as much as 430 ppb.  Americans eat 3 times as much chicken as they drink apple juice, which means there could be 30 times the risk from eating chicken!

Why would there be arsenic in chicken??? Because the Poultry Industry Feeds it to them!!!!

And if arsenic wasn't enough.......I like scat, SINGING.
Not this, um, literally, shit.

From Dr. Greger's ( site:

"Every year about two million pounds of arsenic-containing chemicals have been fed to chickens in the United States. Why would the industry do such a thing? When tens of thousands of birds are crammed into filthy, football field-sized sheds to lie beak-to-beak in their own waste they can become so heavily infested with internal parasites that adding arsenic to the feed to poison the bugs can result in a dramatic increase in growth rates. Also, arsenic can give the carcass a pinkish tinge, which consumers prefer."

Yeah, you might want to consider making Anupy's Arsenic, Poop And Chicken Free Curry from "The Indian Slow Cooker" book.  Made with Free Range Veggies.
Post to come!

And if you are into Scat, this is the Shit.  And I don't mean the kind that's in chicken!

Try it at Home!

But with your Scat-Free Curry, you may want to listen to this....Some Tight Polyphonic Scat.  Well, an Indian type of "scat".  Loved it!!

Sounds True, Inc.


  1. Haha! Love that post title. And super gross about chickens. So glad I don't eat them!

  2. It's very strange that Dr. Oz would choose to focus on the apple juice vs. chicken. Although, I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but then again, he did feature Forks Over Knives! Really, wtf?

    I listened to a little of each of the scat videos and will have to come back later for more. Love them!

  3. The curry looks fantastic. Is that slivered coconut on top?

  4. Loved the ella clip! Definetly fave of mine :)
