Vegan Mashup.
New Vegan show will be on Public TV!! Yeah! Love when this stuff happens.
Check out the preview of VegansOnTv.
Subway is offering new Vegan Eats (at Selected Locations)
Link to Compassion Over Killing article on Subway.
Link to Compassion Over Killing article on Subway.
Starting this week, several Subway Cafés in Maryland, DC, and Virginia are featuring three new all-vegan savory sandwiches:
Okay, I still won't eat at Subway because I read their pickles had come crazy number of food dyes. But....maybe in a pinch. However, they do offer (in general) better fare than the rest. And if you live in the midwest where there aren't VeganBurgerChains on those long stretches of highway....well.....So above is a Vegan Sandwich the Hubby made. His "HomeMade Subway" on Sprouted Bread. He was trying the "Bbq Gardein" out. Wasn't his favorite Gardein product, but he obviously made do. He has been spoiled in the past with homemade Barbecue Seitan sandwiches.
Link to Compassion Over Killing article on Subway. ****************************************
Scott Jurek, Ultramarathoner, talks about how a Vegan Diet helped him run 100 miles in the Huffington Post. (click link)
Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness
Well, I could write a LOT about "Free Range". So this is just one "Free Range" place. The truth is that most "Free Range" chickens don't even get the "Free Range" part. These are the "lucky" ones.
FitSugar has 15 Vegan Lunches you can take to work!
Very Cool!! Some Great lunch ideas, especially for the "VeganShy". I know lots of you are trying to reduce animal products in your lives, and lunch is the one thing that "gets you". You are in a hurry. You are a creature of habit. But there are some great healthy options with recipe links (click on link above) and they might inspire you to make your own favorites! Or you could just make a hugea** salad or pay 10 bucks for a MajorLeague Whole Foods Salad Bar Experience (or go to your co-op if you have an awesome one near you!!).
Tim Bradley, Vegan Boxer, Wins Fight.
Okay, I don't know anything about Boxing (except it smacks up your brain pretty good), but apparently it's a good thing for veganism if we can show that a VeganMan can beat the Sht out of someone, just as well as a BeefCakeMan. So, Cheers?? Guess the fight was controversial, well, everything is controversial :) But if people need the affirmation that VeganMen can be BigandStrong, then so be it. Duh. VeganMenRock............And men that love & respect VeganWomen rock too, even if they aren't fully there yet.
I guess Ron Jeremy has done some PSA's for PETA. So he isn't Vegan, but apparently into spaying & neutering animals. The whole shtick isn't my "cup of tea" but I am more a dandelion green tea kind of girl, and less a vodka tonic type. Either way, I guess with the clothes on, I am not thinking of sex while looking at Ron Jeremy.
But it is cool, that Vegans are Penetrating "all" the markets....Sigh. Which leads me to the VeganPorn of PETA. I am not a huge "Porn" fan anyway...for lots of reasons. So Sigh PETA. But once again, Vegans have to "let go" a tiny bit and realize that Vegans are everywhere and we all have different ideas. Hmm...which makes me think that being a VeganDoubleAgentSpyCam would be awesome.....Just pose as a stripper, "massuese", and answer calls to congressmen.....Hmm......then "urge" them to get some animal friendly legislation through. Do we need a VeganLobby of Women in Stilettos & GymHunkMen to "penetrate" the House & Senate?? Seems like that may be the most effective way to "get sht done" as some of the "smartest" have lost it "all" to some penis tweets, out of state prostitutes, and female bondage clubs. Why are we even bothering with call lists? There is one call they always answer. Capital anyone?
Very Cool!! Some Great lunch ideas, especially for the "VeganShy". I know lots of you are trying to reduce animal products in your lives, and lunch is the one thing that "gets you". You are in a hurry. You are a creature of habit. But there are some great healthy options with recipe links (click on link above) and they might inspire you to make your own favorites! Or you could just make a hugea** salad or pay 10 bucks for a MajorLeague Whole Foods Salad Bar Experience (or go to your co-op if you have an awesome one near you!!).
A typical salad I would get in the "to go" box at Whole Foods. We generally do not shop at the "salad bar" at WF, because it is pricey & who knows what is organic and not. However, we sometimes have lunch there & they do have great options. Several types of "detox, vegan, oil free" salads which are gluten free and great for me. And lots of beans, tofu dishes, cooked vegan goods.........But look at their "cooked" regular dishes and they are downright nasty. Full of fat, bacon, cheese, oil. Just disgusting looking and then you wonder who would pay all that money for something that is so bad for you and not even organic bad for you!! So stick to the Cold bar!!
Hubby tends to hit the tofu dishes, the edamame, and some crazy vegan dressings. He likes oil and beer. Okay, he has really been skipping the oil at home, but the beer...........well, it is vegan beer! :)
Tim Bradley, Vegan Boxer, Wins Fight.
Okay, I don't know anything about Boxing (except it smacks up your brain pretty good), but apparently it's a good thing for veganism if we can show that a VeganMan can beat the Sht out of someone, just as well as a BeefCakeMan. So, Cheers?? Guess the fight was controversial, well, everything is controversial :) But if people need the affirmation that VeganMen can be BigandStrong, then so be it. Duh. VeganMenRock............And men that love & respect VeganWomen rock too, even if they aren't fully there yet.
I guess Ron Jeremy has done some PSA's for PETA. So he isn't Vegan, but apparently into spaying & neutering animals. The whole shtick isn't my "cup of tea" but I am more a dandelion green tea kind of girl, and less a vodka tonic type. Either way, I guess with the clothes on, I am not thinking of sex while looking at Ron Jeremy.
But it is cool, that Vegans are Penetrating "all" the markets....Sigh. Which leads me to the VeganPorn of PETA. I am not a huge "Porn" fan anyway...for lots of reasons. So Sigh PETA. But once again, Vegans have to "let go" a tiny bit and realize that Vegans are everywhere and we all have different ideas. Hmm...which makes me think that being a VeganDoubleAgentSpyCam would be awesome.....Just pose as a stripper, "massuese", and answer calls to congressmen.....Hmm......then "urge" them to get some animal friendly legislation through. Do we need a VeganLobby of Women in Stilettos & GymHunkMen to "penetrate" the House & Senate?? Seems like that may be the most effective way to "get sht done" as some of the "smartest" have lost it "all" to some penis tweets, out of state prostitutes, and female bondage clubs. Why are we even bothering with call lists? There is one call they always answer. Capital anyone?
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