I have seen a handful of vegan speakers, nutritionists, etc...and although I support them all, some are more entertaining than others! Remember my John McDougall Post? McDougall ("bean limiter") was hard for me to watch and then I am limited to one cup of beans a day when there is a slow cooker of Organic Dad's Rajmah on my countertop? Just take me now.........Brenda Davis
came to the St. Louis Whole Foods once & I went, reluctantly because the roads were supposed to get bad later, and she was extremely compelling & normal. Some of Brenda's Books. Brenda's books are the best, most comprehensive vegan nutrition books that I have come across. Must have books.

Defeating Diabetes
Brenda uses the "normal" nutritional values and is very rational and I remember that she actually improved her bone density & had "SuperWoman Bones" past the age of 40. She also talked about the treatment of animals at the end and I tried not to just start bawling right there (along with others I am sure). But the funniest, wittiest speaker I have ever seen was at a MeatOut in St. Louis when Dr. Michael Greger came to town. The talk was on Mad Cow Disease and honestly I wasn't expecting to be too terribly interested, as I was already vegan, so it wasn't like I was going to make any dietary changes. Was I wrong!! His vocal inflections are awesome and I was totally mesmerized. See, Dr. Greger went through medical school, so he knows "both sides". He has a conscience. He is a total nutrition freak, reading almost a gazillion trade journals, nutrition news, every single day. At this time, I think he was just doing speaking gigs, for next to nothing. He just had to tell people about what he had learned, as there is an incredible urgency when you are studying something and then you realize how many people are dying of preventable causes. And he was hilarious! His incredibly dry, sarcastic humor makes the information totally entertaining, and you will less likely to slit your wrists afterwards. Because, really, some of the information just makes you so depressed that our "Free Market" (which isn't truly free at all) is so okay with knowingly taking lives, and that it is okay.
Becoming Vegan: The Complete Guide to Adopting a Healthy Plant-Based Diet |
Defeating Diabetes
Brenda uses the "normal" nutritional values and is very rational and I remember that she actually improved her bone density & had "SuperWoman Bones" past the age of 40. She also talked about the treatment of animals at the end and I tried not to just start bawling right there (along with others I am sure). But the funniest, wittiest speaker I have ever seen was at a MeatOut in St. Louis when Dr. Michael Greger came to town. The talk was on Mad Cow Disease and honestly I wasn't expecting to be too terribly interested, as I was already vegan, so it wasn't like I was going to make any dietary changes. Was I wrong!! His vocal inflections are awesome and I was totally mesmerized. See, Dr. Greger went through medical school, so he knows "both sides". He has a conscience. He is a total nutrition freak, reading almost a gazillion trade journals, nutrition news, every single day. At this time, I think he was just doing speaking gigs, for next to nothing. He just had to tell people about what he had learned, as there is an incredible urgency when you are studying something and then you realize how many people are dying of preventable causes. And he was hilarious! His incredibly dry, sarcastic humor makes the information totally entertaining, and you will less likely to slit your wrists afterwards. Because, really, some of the information just makes you so depressed that our "Free Market" (which isn't truly free at all) is so okay with knowingly taking lives, and that it is okay.
My dad loaned me a DVD he put out, as he compiles the "new information" of each year and puts together a little "quiz show". Low tech. I kind of put off watching it because I assumed my husband would be bored, thinking, "I'm already vegan, why do we have to watch something when we already eat that way?". So when nothing was on the hundreds of Uverse stations, and he was pretty consumed with Angrybirds or FruitNinja or some addicitve ipad game, I watched the DVD. After a few of the facts, he turned off the video game that had consumed him prior, and stared at the screen. We both watched the whole DVD and then he asked if there was another one. We were addicts. Now our favorite Michael Gregor (who has since been snatched up by the HSUS with a paying job) has an active blog and a website where he is putting every little video snippet online! So you can watch AND spread the word!! I am SO addicted to these little nuggets & want to buy all the DVD's as well so I can watch from beginning to end.
This guy is for real. He is not profit driven in the least and I truly believe this is his passion. Like an artist or a musician, he has been "performing" his art since his "realizations" in medical school, whether he gets any money or not. He does it because he has to. I feel like Michael Greger sees the tragic & utterly ridiculous nature of our "American Way" and our "Health Care" system and he delivers relevant information in such a way that makes "bad medicine" consumable-the truth with a side of humor. He also reads so many trade journals, FROM THE INDUSTRIES themselves, that it's virtually impossible not to find him compelling. He is getting some of the "evidence" from reading journals of the Meat & Dairy industry themselves-so it's not like they can dispute their own facts!!
So after all of my slamming some really pathetic politicians (Jay Nixon has been neutered, Missouri Dog Lovers, "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" and why policitians are douchebags, Glen Beck and his full leather body suit: Why Al Gore should be Vegan, Meat Eating Tea Partiers & Republicans. Why Meat Eaters have to pay for sex.) who seem to be only driven by sex, money & power, I have to pay tribute to these exceptional men who are changing the world. Michael Greger, John Robbins, and RawRunner Tim VanOrden for the "Raw Team" (a newbie but also a big reader of nutritional information and not motivated by money). These guys give me some hope for humanity. Oh! Can't forget Mike Anderson, who seems to be "quietly" blowing the lid off of the "Cancer Industry". Also not profit driven. And Will Tuttle. Thank you to these heroes. I know there are many more, and to me, these are the true Warriors, another type of "Army" in which we truly need to invest our money in-as it is my feeling there is a lot of "Terrorism" going on in our own country that causes significantly more deaths than any bomb or outside act, thus far.
What inspired Michael? His Grandmother. Instead of "losing" her when she got ill, he saw his grandmother get wheeled into the "Pritikin Center" and walk out.
Why not fix the "Terrorism" that's here? What if it would save money economically? What if it would help curb global warming? What if it would save lives? How many people do you know that have died from heart disease? From Cancer? From Diabetes? How heartbreaking was it? I just hear something about Cancer & it brings me to tears now. It seems like it's "the flu" and everyone has come down with it. What if there is a better way to prevent and treat diseases than some "Ensure" meal replacement and artificially colored "Jello"?
Vegan Hearthrob List (The Men's List)-the movers & shakers & information spreaders. I am not a "star fucker" at all (but I did get chills hearing Art Garfunkel singing "Bridge Over Troubled Water" while warming up before his show).......but these are the people who really give me shivers. They are saving lives and fearless, even when there may be a lot of opposition to some of their research.
And these men don't need Viagra!! But the cool thing is, that they may teach you, that you don't either!!
Michael Gregor
John Robbins
Mike Anderson
Colin Campbell
Caldwell Esselstyn
Tim Van Orden
And these men don't need Viagra!! But the cool thing is, that they may teach you, that you don't either!!
Michael Gregor
John Robbins
Mike Anderson
Colin Campbell
Caldwell Esselstyn
Tim Van Orden
Who are yours? Who did I leave out?? And "The Last Heart Attack" with Sanjay Gupta on CNN is rescheduled for this Saturday evening! Set your DVR's!

Food Revolution, The: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life and Our World

The New Good Life: Living Better Than Ever in an Age of Less

Healthy at 100: The Scientifically Proven Secrets of the World's Healthiest and Longest-Lived Peoples

Diet for a New America

Reclaiming Our Health: Exploding the Medical Myth and Embracing the Source of True Healing

Mike Anderson

Caldwell Esselstyn

Colin Campbell

Will Tuttle
And I have a "Get Skinny, Go Vegan" Blogroll. Please let me know if you would like to be on it (and please exchange the favor if you have a blogroll or link list) and if your blog focuses on raw, cooked, baking, vegan fasion, or healing from cancer, diabetes, weight loss, etc......Just leave the information in the comments section! The food/fashion blogs have to be vegan (duh)!
Food Revolution, The: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life and Our World
The New Good Life: Living Better Than Ever in an Age of Less
Healthy at 100: The Scientifically Proven Secrets of the World's Healthiest and Longest-Lived Peoples
Diet for a New America
Reclaiming Our Health: Exploding the Medical Myth and Embracing the Source of True Healing
Mike Anderson
Caldwell Esselstyn
Colin Campbell
Will Tuttle
And I have a "Get Skinny, Go Vegan" Blogroll. Please let me know if you would like to be on it (and please exchange the favor if you have a blogroll or link list) and if your blog focuses on raw, cooked, baking, vegan fasion, or healing from cancer, diabetes, weight loss, etc......Just leave the information in the comments section! The food/fashion blogs have to be vegan (duh)!

i'd love to be in your blogroll. i don't tend to focus on mainstream gurus like you do, but instead i get into more obscure researchers and suppressed therapies and healing modalities. i'm going to be talking about RBTI next, hope you're reading! ;)
ReplyDeleteDiet For A New America was one of the first books I ever read as far as veganism goes, and I remember how blown away I was. I'm going to have to check out Dr. Greger's videos more. They sound good!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for helping spread the word about NutritionFacts.org
ReplyDelete-Michael "awesome speaking inflection" Greger, M.D. :)
Lots too see and watch here, thank you for sharing :-).
@Rick. Done :)!
ReplyDeleteYes! Check out Michael's videos. They are VERY short and so easy to emai or FB someone! When I was watching the DVD I was just thinking, "I wish I could share this with so and so" and now I can!! The great thing is that he is using peer reviewed studies and also getting information from the industries themselves. My absolute 2 favorite vegan men are Michael Greger and John Robbins!! (Aside from my husband of course!)